Thats hillarious 🤣
Thats hillarious 🤣
Is this 3D converted to pixel art? Looks really good.
Thanks! Nope, all hand animated with an app called folioscope which is pretty similar to flipnote.
Really nice art, I can feel the intensity in the air. Happy robot day!!
Wow, nice art. I used to love this cartoon when I was a kid.
Thank you!, you know, the show is now on disney+
Haha this one cracks me up...!!!
So, how was Krita? Did you like it?
I'm torn... The UI of Medibang appeals more to me, but I love the functionality of Krita. It'll probably take a bit of getting used to, but I think I'll for sure be using it in future, though not exclusively.
Looks really good!!
What are the plug points for, doesn't he already have a nuclear heart?
it's so he can charge up his sword!
*nuclear highfives
ooh nice futuristic scene. I would love to see flying bikes from my balcony
Ah, the dream, maybe when we're 100 year old raisin people -_-
Maker of Boxer Shorts Hero comics
Chennai, India
Joined on 4/8/15