Is this 3D converted to pixel art? Looks really good.
Is this 3D converted to pixel art? Looks really good.
Thanks! Nope, all hand animated with an app called folioscope which is pretty similar to flipnote.
Wow, nice art. I used to love this cartoon when I was a kid.
Thank you!, you know, the show is now on disney+
So, how was Krita? Did you like it?
I'm torn... The UI of Medibang appeals more to me, but I love the functionality of Krita. It'll probably take a bit of getting used to, but I think I'll for sure be using it in future, though not exclusively.
What are the plug points for, doesn't he already have a nuclear heart?
it's so he can charge up his sword!
*nuclear highfives
ooh nice futuristic scene. I would love to see flying bikes from my balcony
Ah, the dream, maybe when we're 100 year old raisin people -_-
Love the colors used, looks good.
Thank you! <3
Is this a comic you made?
Wow, love the colors. You rock!!
Cheers man! you and your art rock aswell
Have you by any chance played this game called Road Rash? Your mix of perspective and realism reminds me of the art from there. Nice!!
the 80's video game? It sounds familiar to me.
And thank you!
That is really creepy to look at, if thats what you were going for, you got it good
i did i wanted whoever looking to feel uncomfortable :D
Maker of Boxer Shorts Hero comics
Chennai, India
Joined on 4/8/15